Porcupyn's Blog

August 29, 2008

A tale of two to-be-four-year-old cousins

Filed under: Family,Humour — Porcupyn @ 4:26 pm

Cousin A: Maternal grandparents are visiting from abroad. Paternal grandparents live here, and paternal grandpa takes maternal grandpa out shopping once in a while. Mother explains to daughter that this is because poor maternal grandpa does not own a car, and he gets bored staying home the whole day.
Four-year-old: “So what? He owns an airplane!”

After all, how did grandparents come here from abroad? Anyone in a mood to debate this four-year-old?

Cousin B: Goes to daycare with a lunchbox in her lunchbag. When she gets home, mother eagerly opens the lunchbag, glad that it is light (which means that – for once – drama queen has finished her lunch). Imagine mother’s surprise when the reason for the light lunchbag is a missing lunchbox.

Mother: “Where is lunchbox?”
Four-year-old: “I throwitaway.”
Mother: “OMG!! Why?”
Four-year-old: “Teacher told me to.”

Now, anybody care to explain to a four-year-old that the teacher wanted her to throw away the leftovers, not the whole lunchbox??!!

August 26, 2008

Archiving/printing old photos

Filed under: Family,Photography — Porcupyn @ 3:02 pm

This sounds like a decent service, that I could have saved some time with. But I’ve already started on my errand and am about halfway through (I guess). Maybe someone else can use them.

On similar lines, I’ve used Artscow and am happy with their Photobooks and 8×10 photos. They even ship to India (from Hong Kong) directly, which is nice! Gotta add that I like the Photobook layouts of Shutterfly better, but other than that, they are very similar in quality.

August 20, 2008

Why are we satisfied with a bronze?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Porcupyn @ 10:03 am

Dude is yet to box in the semi-finals and we already need to congratulate him for his bronze???!!!

[Update]: Looks like NDTV updated their story 🙂

August 14, 2008

Paheli (old)

Filed under: Music — Porcupyn @ 12:07 am

In the six years that we lived in a northern state, I went only once to the movie theatre to watch a movie. But this song made the movie was worth it!

August 11, 2008

An Individual Gold – At Last!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Porcupyn @ 1:42 am

Six Hundred Million Indians, and not a Single Bronze – the headline (plus or minus a couple of words) from the Illustrated Weekly of India (summer 1976) is still firmly imprinted in my mind,

Well, looks like the second bunch of 600M are performing better than the first 600M ;-).

Congratulations, Abhinav Bindra.

[Now, if Dravid and Laxman can have a good partnership in the second innings of the third Test … (maybe I am asking for too much)]

August 2, 2008

Vegetable vendor in Maharashtra, India

Filed under: Uncategorized — Porcupyn @ 9:07 pm

For no reason whatsoever, a photo from an India Visit Past!

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